Nancie Grace

Sep 12, 2020

5 Plants You Can Grow Indoor with Health Benefits

Thinking of growing indoor plants in your home? Here are the 5 Indoor plants you can grow at home with health benefits.

Aloe Vera

It is a succulent plant. It has a long history of being used for medicinal purposes, dating back to the ancient era.

In ancient Egypt, it is considered to be the “plant of immortality’. It can be found in the papyrus described as the elixir of eternal life with anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects.

Aloe vera is widely used today in food, cosmetics, food supplements, and herbal remedies. Aloe vera can be used for teeth and gums in controlling bacteria, GERD, constipation, etc.

It is a plant that is an easy, attractive succulent that makes for a great indoor companion.

Snake Plant

The snake plant is a common houseplant that is native to Asia and Africa. It has sword-shaped leaves that grow upright. Snake plants are usually used as home decor, as snake plants are pleasing to the eye, easy to care for, and require little water to survive.

It cleans the air better than most indoor plants as it has the ability to absorb excessive amounts of carbon monoxide. It also releases oxygen at night allowing you to breathe better for a night of better sleep. Additionally, it filters other toxins from the air such as benzene, xylene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene.

It is proven to be as useful as it is visually appealing. It can grow indoor and outdoor with little maintenance.


Oregano is not only a great pizza seasoning but it has medicinal benefits as well. Oregano can be a great kitchen plant.

Fresh oregano is a good antibacterial agent it also has abundant flavonoids and phenolic acids, oregano is loaded with antioxidants that help prevent cell damage and it is an anti-inflammatory agent as well.

Oregano will grow well indoors, but it is vital that the plant receives adequate heat and sunshine to grow. It is another go-to for a first-time planter.


It is a great indoor herb that originated in the Mediterranean and is used in many recipes. It is quite a famous and widely used herbs in the world.

Rosemary is loaded with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds which are thought to help boost the immune system. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, it has been used to treat indigestion and relieved joint muscle paint.

Rosemary is drought tolerant and can survive win bright windowsills. It is fragrant and delicious. Rosemary tea can soothe your sore throat.

Spider Plant

The spider plant is great even for those people who are not much of a green thumb. It can grow in any type of soil. It is the easiest plant to take care of as it requires little maintenance.

According to NASA Clean Air Study, the spider plant is one of the most effective indoor plants in removing carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, Xylene, and toluene. One of the health benefits to a spider plant to consider is its ability to remove 95 percent of toxic agents in the air.

Apart from its health benefits, it looks very attractive as a houseplant. It can be planted in a hanging basket or any usual container to add a bit of greenery to the home. The spider plant is one of the hardest houseplants to kill.

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